Friday, October 29, 2010

The Inferno (Canto I-III)

Discuss your reading experience with Dante's Inferno. What is making sense? What are you finding confusing? Cite connections you have made. Explain the reading process. Include specific examples/cantos/pages as evidence to your understanding.


  1. I am a little confused by the whole thing actually. I mean i get the story, he walks through the woods and he is confused and the whole journy starts but i don't understand as to why. Why is he seeing all of these things? is it a figment of his imagination? or is this actually happening?

  2. Hey mr.burns. I don't remember the website address for dramaworkshop so im going to get it tomorrow and do it tormorrow night because technically we dont have dramaworkshop tomorrow. :)


  4. I am really confused at this whole thing that i read. I mean there are some parts that i get and then there are parts that i just don't get at all. I find it a little difficult to read.

  5. It would be helpful (for you as students) to expand your writing and pose questions to each other. Being specific, especially when confused, can help not only yourself but also someone who may have the same question (or even the answer that you are looking for).

    I want to see a significant paragraph which demonstrates that you have read. It's not enough to simply say "I don't get it."

  6. I am enjoying dante's inferno and I can see why other people may find it confusing, I have also found some parts of it to be confusing

  7. i am confused on the three animals and what they symbolize? Also i was confused on did "god" send Virgil to help Dante?

  8. The Inferno(Canto 1-3) is quite confusing. The format as to which it is written in, is very hard to follow when reading. I also agree with Tony on being confused on what the three animals symbolize and who sent Virgil to help Dante. Hopefully this reading makes more sense as we continue because i hear the book Dante's Inferno is a very good book.

  9. While I was reading Dante's Inferno, it was a confusing read. At first when I started reading it, I did not think it would be hard because the language is not half as bad as the language in old epics or scripts, such as Romeo & Juliet or The Odyssey. Still, it was hard to understand everything that the author was trying to get across to the reader. This is what I found confusing.
    An example of this is in Canto II, when Beatrice says, "I am Beatrice, who urges you to go; I come from the place I am longing to return to; love moved me, as it moves me now to speak." This is a good example because although the language is not difficult to understand, the message that the author is trying to say to me is not very specific.

  10. - - - - All responses are late from this point forward - - - -

  11. I find it a bit confusing of when the setting changes or when the main character encounters an obstacle but I can basically grasp the meaning of the story. I can really connect Canto to many parts of real life. During the part where the main character encounters that beast in the dark wood he asks for guidance where in real life people are often hopelessly lost without guidance in many things that confuse them because in Canto the main character loses the will to go on when he encounters an obstacle. When the main character is answered in his prayers he exits the dark wood enlightened and instilled with a new sense of duty and finds the will to go on and is not easily scared by the obstacles anymore. In real life this is prevalent because when people learn how to do something they no longer feel helpless they begin to feel better about themselves and they find it easy and rewarding doing something they had learned.

  12. Well I wasn’t here but I’m dong it anywayss(:

    Reading Dante’s inferno is kind of tough yes, but I feel like when I read it extra slow things just start to click in my head like the whole
    "I am Beatrice, who urges you to go;
    I come from the place I am longing to return to; love moved me, as it moves me now to speak" connects to heaven the place where Dante is being lead to by all the guides he will go along and learn from. What I didn’t get about that part was who she was, was she the girl that Virgil was talking about that Dante would meet?
